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Unwrapping Your Gift

Updated: Jan 24

There is more abundance, beauty, and strength deep within you.

To find this gift, you must unwrap it. The gift you think you bring to others is beautifully wrapped in shimmering paper, fastened with hidden tape, and tied neatly with a perfect bow. Every day you work to preserve the paper and hope the tape keeps working. As life shreds the paper, unsticks the tape, and unties the bow, you keep repairing, and rewrapping this gift. You are afraid this gift will disappoint, it will be unwanted and tossed once it is revealed. So you go through life rewrapping the gift you present to others, fearful of what is really at your core. Afraid you will be found wanting. Fearful if you discover your true gift, it will not be enough. 

This is a lie. It is the enemy of life itself. The work you do to unwrap the layers you've accumulated, this will make you more compassionate. This healing and discovery of the gift within, brings emotions to the surface that you did not know you carried. As you remove a new layer of fear, and grow in wisdom and understanding, deeper held beliefs will be revealed.

When you think you have finally discovered the gift, you realize there is another layer to consider, to unbind and unwrap.

You will begin to feel the joy, and the beauty of this gift as you get closer to opening the box. And then you realize..... the anticipation of discovery is what brings the most joy.

The gift has always been there but you believed you knew what was inside.

Now you know the gift is greater than you could have imagined. 

I know. I am rewriting my own stories I have believed about myself.

I’m uncovering new layers of beliefs I need to let go of. I’m discovering the many ways I’ve settled for less because I convinced myself that’s all I deserved or was capable of. The only way to uncover the gift within is to keep unwrapping the layers around my mind, so I can fully live the truth that is in my heart. The bow is untied, the wrapping is torn, the anticipation is building.

What is one belief you have about yourself, that you have carried with you for years?

How did it become your belief?

What would it look like to change the story you tell yourself about this belief?

If you rewrote this story about yourself, how would you show up differently for your family, your friends, in your work or your community?

You have chosen this belief about yourself.

You have written years of your life story with this belief.

How has this belief and the story you’ve chosen convinced you to settle for something less?

Sending love.

I believe in you.


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